Results for 'V. N. Putyagina'

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  1.  20
    Maqamat as-Sufiyya”: Introduction and Part “Proof of the Immateriality of the Soul.Ad-Din al-Maqtul Shihab, Шихаб Ад-Дин ас-Сухраварди, V. N. Putyagina & Путягина Валентина Николаевна - 2018 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 22 (1):100-106.
    “Maqamat as-Sufiyya” is a small theoretical works of Shihab ad-Din as-Suhrawardi (ab. 1154-1191), the founder of the Philosophy of Illumination. It contains practical instructions and theoretical reflections and proofs. As-Suhrawardi especially notes terminology used by philosophers and terminology used by sufis in “Maqamat as-Sufiyya”.
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  2. Marxism and the philosophy of language.V. N. Voloshinov - 1973 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Ladislav Matejka & I. R. Titunik.
    'This book is a masterpiece of theoretical thought. It anticipates the actual achievements of much of what we now call sociolinguistics.
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    Problemy metodologii: sbornik nauchnykh stateĭ, posvi︠a︡shchennykh pami︠a︡ti professora V.N. Borisova.V. N. Borisov (ed.) - 1999 - Samara: Samarskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  4. Nyāya-Vasiṣṭha: felicitation volume of Prof. V.N. Jha.V. N. Jha, Manabendu Banerjee & Ujjwala Panse (eds.) - 2006 - Kolkata: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar.
    Contributed research papers chiefly on various aspects of Indic philosophy, Vedic literature, etc.
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  5. Terminy V Strukture Teorii Logicheskii Analiz.V. N. Karpovich & V. A. Smirnov - 1978 - Izd-Vo "Nauka," Sibirskoe Otd-Nie.
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  6. Nauka v kulʹture.V. N. Porus (ed.) - 1998 - Moskva: Ėditorial URSS.
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    V. Solov'ev and L. Shestov: Unity in Tragedy.V. N. Porus - 2006 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 44 (4):59-74.
  8. Vvedenie v filosofii︠u︡ istorii: svoeobrazie istoricheskoĭ mysli.V. N. Syrov - 2006 - Moskva: Vodoleĭ.
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    Russian european B.V. Yakovenko.V. N. Belov - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):133-144.
    The article analyzes the creativity of one of the most famous Russian neokantians Boris V. Yakovenko. Despite the fact that the work of Yakovenko becomes the subject of analysis of an increasing number of researchers both in Russia and abroad, it has not yet taken place in a systematic analysis. The article attempts to consider the philosophical creativity of the Russian philosopher systematically, revealing both the main directions of European thought that had the greatest influence on the position of Yakovenko (...)
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    Fluid Biosemiotic Mechanisms Underlie Subconscious Habits.V. N. Alexander & Valerie Grimes - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (3):337-353.
    Although research into the biosemiotic mechanisms underlying the purposeful behavior of brainless living systems is extensive, researchers have not adequately described biosemiosis among neurons. As the conscious use of signs is well-covered by the various fields of semiotics, we focus on subconscious sign action. Subconscious semiotic habits, both functional and dysfunctional, may be created and reinforced in the brain not necessarily in a logical manner and not necessarily through repeated reinforcement. We review literature that suggests hypnosis may be effective in (...)
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  11. What and how physics contributes to understanding the periodic law.V. N. Ostrovsky - 2001 - Foundations of Chemistry 3 (2):145-181.
    The current status of explanation worked out by Physics for the Periodic Law is considered from philosophical and methodological points of view. The principle gnosiological role of approximations and models in providing interpretation for complicated systems is emphasized. The achievements, deficiencies and perspectives of the existing quantum mechanical interpretation of the Periodic Table are discussed. The mainstream ab initio theory is based on analysis of selfconsistent one-electron effective potential. Alternative approaches employing symmetry considerations and applying group theory usually require some (...)
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  12. S.N. Bulgakov: bibliografii︠a︡.V. N. Akulinin - 1996 - Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    The Social Philosophy of N. Berdiaev in Light of Perestroika.V. N. Adiushkin - 1992 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 30 (4):48-63.
    The association of Berdiaev's name with the phenomenon of perestroika seems strange at first glance and even illogical. But perestroika, which is proceeding—or, more precisely, is trying to proceed—under the sign of an intellectual renaissance, has naturally aroused interest in the names of Russian philosophers who have undeservedly been forgotten. One of these is N.A. Berdiaev . He was a Russian patriot and was profoundly concerned with Russia's fate. Living in a critical period, Berdiaev reflected a great deal over the (...)
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  14. Filosofii︠a︡ vseedinstva: ot V.S. Solovëva k P.A. Florenskomu.V. N. Akulinin - 1990 - Novosibirsk: "Nauka", Sibirskoe otd-nie. Edited by G. A. Antipov.
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  15. Problemy refleksii v nauchnom poznanii: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik.V. N. Borisov (ed.) - 1983 - Kuĭbyshev: Kuĭbyshevskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ kosmizma v Rossii rubezha XIX-XX vekov.V. N. Dudenkov - 1998 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo gos. tekhn. in-ta (tekhn. universiteta).
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    Sudʹba filosofii v sovremennom mire: tematicheskiĭ sbornik.V. N. Finogentov (ed.) - 2003 - Ufa: Ufimsk. gos. in-t servisa.
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  18. Ėlement khudozhestvennosti v massovo-politicheskoĭ rabote.V. N. Gagin - 1985 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  19. Obʺi︠a︡snenie v sot︠s︡ialʹnom poznanii.V. N. Karpovich - 1989 - Novosibirsk: "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie. Edited by O. S. Razumovskiĭ.
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  20. Metafizicheskai︠a︡ matematika XVII v.V. N. Katasonov - 1993 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  21. Konstruktivnye prot︠s︡essy v matematike: (Filos. aspekt).V. N. Trostnikov - 1975 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  22. Problema istiny v pravoslavii: gnoseologicheskiĭ i sot︠s︡ialʹnyĭ aspekty.V. N. Zhukov - 1993 - Nizhniĭ Novogorod: Izd-vo Volgo-Vi︠a︡tskogo kadrovogo t︠s︡entra.
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  23.  24
    Cohen and Natorp’s Philosophy of Religion: the Argument about the Boundary of Reason.V. N. Belov - forthcoming - Kantian Journal:54-71.
    The philosophy of religion as presented by Hermann Cohen and Paul Natorp, the founders and main representatives of the Marburg School of Neo-Kantianism, is an important and at the same time controversial part of their philosophical systems. The discussion around the problems of religion began within the Marburg School and still continues among those who study that School. The reason for this is that “fitting” philosophical thinking about the phenomenon of religion into the classical triad of any system of philosophy, (...)
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  24. Filosofii︠a︡ vekhovstva i modernizm: kritika antigumanizma i ėstetizma v Rossii rubezha XX v.V. N. Dudenkov - 1984 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
  25. Borʹba za realisticheskoe iskusstvo i gumanium v ėstetike SShA.V. N. Ermolaeva - 1979
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    Aktualʹnye problemy i︠u︡ridicheskoĭ kulʹtury, antikulʹtury i otvetstvennosti v pravovoĭ sisteme obshchestva: monografii︠a︡.V. N. Kartashov - 2023 - Moskva: Direkt-Media.
    В книге изложены понятия, структуры, функции, основные типы юридического сознания, культуры и антикультуры в обществе. Особое внимание уделено психологическому механизму деятельности, мерам юридической ответственности и правовой защиты людей, их коллективов и организаций. Для юристов (ученых и практиков, аспирантов и адъюнктов), студентов магистратуры и бакалавриата юридических вузов и факультетов. Монография выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 18-011-01095.
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  27. Dialektika soderzhanii︠a︡ i formy v prot︠s︡esse matematizat︠s︡ii nauki.V. N. Karpovich - 1990 - Novosibirsk: "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie. Edited by T. M. Bondarenko & O. S. Razumovskiĭ.
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    Rat︠s︡ionalizm i irrat︠s︡ionalizm v antichnoĭ filosofii.V. N. Karpovich (ed.) - 2010 - Novosibirsk: Izdatelʹstvo Sibirskogo otdelenii︠a︡ Rossiĭskoĭ akademii nauk.
    Книга предназначена для специалистов в области истории философии, студентов и аспирантов-философов, преподавателей философии и всех интересующихся философией и ее историей.
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  29. O fundamentalʹnoĭ prichine unichtozhenii︠a︡ Rossii v formate SSSR: obraz budushchego, obʺektivnogo razvitii︠a︡ obshchestvennoĭ sistemy v garmonizm, ne imei︠u︡shcheĭ ėkspluatat︠s︡ii.V. N. Lebedev - 2020 - Sankt-Peterburg: Sankt-Peterburgskiĭ politekhnicheskiĭ universitet Petra Velikogo.
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    Vera i razum: evropeĭskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ i ee vklad v poznanie istiny.V. N. Trostnikov - 2010 - Moskva: Grifon.
    В форме увлекательных бесед показаны не только высоты и бездны европейской философии, но и значительные достижения русской философской школы, уходящей своими корнями в православное мировосприятие. Для всех, кто хочет научиться серьезно мыслить.
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  31.  11
    Dimensions of Contemporary Sanskrit Research.V. N. Jha, Ujjwala Panse & Arun Ranjan Mishra (eds.) - 2008 - New Bharatiya Book.
    Festschrift in honor of V.N. Jha, b. 1946, Indologist; comprises contributed papers on various aspects of Vedic literature and philosophy.
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    Saṁsāra and nirvāṇa: a unifying vision.V. N. Misra - 2017 - New Delhi: DK Printworld.
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  33. (1 other version)Marksizm i filosofii︠a︡ i︠a︡zyka.V. N. Voloshinov - 1972 - [The Hague,: Mouton.
  34.  12
    Modern Jewish Philosophy in Search of a (Self) Definition.V. N. Belov - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):391-397.
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    The international conference Herman Cohen in the history of Russian philosophy.V. N. Belov, V. B. Petrov & A. V. Lebedeva - 2018 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 22 (4):499-508.
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  36.  41
    Transformation of person and society in the anthropotechnical turn: Educational aspect.V. N. Vashkevich & O. V. Dobrodum - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 13:112-123.
    Introduction. Anthropotechnical turn in culture is based on educational practices that characterize a person as a subject and at the same time as an object of educational and corrective influence. Theoretical basis. We use the method of categorical analysis, which allows revealing the main outlook potentials of anthropotechnical turn as an essential transformation of modern socio-culture. Originality. For the first time, we conducted a categorical analysis of the glossary of anthropotechnical turn as dialectic of active and passive in the personal (...)
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  37.  81
    On recent discussion concerning quantum justification of the periodic table of the elements.V. N. Ostrovsky - 2005 - Foundations of Chemistry 7 (3):235-239.
    The recent exchange on the quantum justification of the Periodic System of the Elements in this Journal between Scerri [Foundations of Chemistry 6: 93–116, 2004] and Friedrich [Foundations of Chemistry 6: 117–132, 2004] is supplemented by some methodological comments.
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  38. The Social Philosophy of Marxism.V. N. Shevchenko - 1990 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 29 (2):48-91.
    1. Perestroika, the revolutionary renewal of Soviet society, has posed quite a few difficult tasks for the social sciences, one of which is a reexamination of dogmas and stereotypes of thought considered absolutely correct for decades, and hence never discussed, especially publicly. But today, on the pages of newspapers and magazines, on radio and television, a broad and open discussion has been unfolding of practically all the basic questions of history and of the theory and practice of socialism—a discussion such (...)
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    The Mechanism for Mimicry: Instant Biosemiotic Selection or Gradual Darwinian Fine-Tuning Selection?V. N. Alexander - 2019 - Biosemiotics 12 (1):39-55.
    Biological mimicry is regarded by many as a textbook illustration of Darwin’s idea of evolution by random mutation followed by differential selection of reproductively fit specimens, resulting in gradual phenotypic change in a population. In this paper, I argue that some cases of so-called mimicry are probably merely look-a-likes and do not gain an advantage due to their similarity in appearance to something else. In cases where a similar appearance does provide a benefit, I argue that it is possible that (...)
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  40.  24
    A Novel Full-Reference Color Image Quality Assessment Based on Energy Computation in the Wavelet Domain.V. N. Manjunath Aradhya, D. R. Rameshbabu, M. Ravishankar & M. C. Hanumantharaju - 2013 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 22 (2):155-177.
    This article presents a novel full-reference image quality assessment algorithm by depicting the sub-band characteristics in the wavelet domain. The proposed image quality assessment method is based on energy estimation in the wavelet-transformed image. Image QA is achieved by applying a multilevel wavelet decomposition on both the original and the enhanced image. Next, the wavelet energy and vector are computed to obtain the percentage of the energy that corresponds to the approximation and the details, respectively. Further, the approximate and detailed (...)
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  41.  12
    Perception of M.M. Bakhtin in the West: some general remarks.V. N. Belov - 2017 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 21 (1):93-97.
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  42. Metodologicheskie problemy nauki i kulʹtury: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik.V. N. Borisov (ed.) - 1980 - Kuĭbyshev: Kuĭbyshevskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  43. Metodologicheskie seminary: predposylki, faktory i ėtapy razvitii︠a︡.V. N. Boriaz & M. N. Perfil ev - 1978 - Leningrad: "Nauka," Leningradskoe otd-nie. Edited by M. N. Perfilʹev.
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  44. Problemy dialektiki nauchnogo poznanii︠a︡: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik.V. N. Borisov (ed.) - 1986 - Kuĭbyshev: Kuĭbyshevskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  45. Etyka vchyteli︠a︡.V. N. Chernokozova - 1969 - Edited by I. I. Chernokozov.
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    Osnovy kommunisticheskoĭ morali.V. N. Chernokozova - 1971 - [Moskva],: "Mol. gvardii︠a︡,". Edited by I. I. Chernokozov.
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  47. Osnovy kommunisticheskoĭ morali: metod. posobie dli︠a︡ propagandistov.V. N. Chernokozova - 1974 - Moskva: Mol. gvardii︠a︡. Edited by I. I. Chernokozov.
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  48. Osnovy marksystsʹkoleninsʹkoï etyky.V. N. Chernokozova - 1968 - Kyïv,: "Rad. shkola,". Edited by I. I. Chernokozov.
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  49. Political Change in Eastern Europe since 1989: Prospects for Liberal Democracy and a Market Economy. By Robert Zuzowski.V. N. Constantinescu - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (5):664-664.
  50. Romania, Culture, and Nationalism: A Tribute to Radu Florescu. Edited by Anthony R. DeLuca and Paul D. Quinlan.V. N. Constantinescu - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (5):663-663.
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